Frequent Traveler Information

    Redress, KTN, or TSA Precheck Number

    Would you like to add another frequent traveler?

    2nd Redress, KTN, or TSA Precheck Number

    Select an airline rewards program you are a member of.

    Number for above selected program.

    Would you like to add another airline program?

    Select another airline rewards program you are a member of.

    Number for above selected program.

    Select a hotel loyalty program you are a member of.

    Number for above selected program.

    Would you like to add another hotel program?

    Select another hotel loyalty program you are a member of.

    Number for above selected program.

    I acknowledge that Distinction Travel Services will utilize all resources to attempt to gain points and membership perks if travel is booked on my behalf. However, I understand that this cannot be guaranteed dependent upon the final booking route (i.e. the utilization of 3rd party travel agencies, airline and hotel booking partners, etc.)